Namespace Inetlab.MMS.MM7
- Address
Represents an Address of sender or recipient.
- AddressCollection
Contains collection of Address classes.
- CapabilitiesType
Base attributes for transfering user agent capabilities from R/S to VASP, UAProf is e.g UserAgent Name, or URL to the UAProfile RDF.
- DeliverRequest
Represents MM7_deliver.REQ message that is passed by the MMS Relay/Server to a VASP
- DeliveryReportRequest
MMS to VASP : Delivery Report from one of the MM recipients
- DeliveryReportResponse
VASP to MMS: Response to a delivery report delivered to the VASP
- GenericErrorResponse
Provides the base class for MM7 error response message
- GenericMessage
Provides the base class for MM7 message
- GenericRequest
Provides the base class for MM7 request message
- GenericResponse
Provides the base class for MM7 response message
- ReadReplyReportRequest
MMS to VASP : Delivery Report from one of the MM recipients
- ReadReplyReportResponse
VASP to MMS: Response to a read-reply report delivered to the VASP
- SoapFaultResponse
Represents SOAP Fault response
- SubmitRequest
Represents MM7 message by VASP to MMS Relay/Server
- AddressTypes
Specifies an Address type
- ContentClass
Content Class Type used in MM7_Submit and MM7_Replace
- MessageClass
Specifies the class of the message