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Create SMPP-server and Connect (with sample app)

The following minimal code structure creates SMPP-server:

SmppServer _server = new SmppServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 7777));
await _server.StartAsync();

First line prepares SMPP-server to be started at the port 7777. The second line actually starts the server and getting server ready to accept connection requests from TCP/IP clients. The SMPP-server creates instance of SmppServerClient class and raises the event evClientConnected for each TCP/IP client connected.

All clients connected are added automatically to the collection ConnectedClients of SmppServer object.

You may implement any preliminary checks in the event-handler subscribed to evClientConnected event. For example, you may perform an IP-address check and disconnect “wrong” clients immediately.

Please explore the sample SMPP Server program at the link.