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Send messages

The SMPP-server creates SmppServerClient object automatically for each SMPP-client connected. Calling method DeliverAsync of the SmppServerClient object sends a message to the respective SMPP-client.

To start, it is necessary to choose SmppServerClient instance from the list available at ConnectedClients property. You may use any SmppServerClient properties as criteria for choosing the recipient/SMPP-client.

For example, let us crate arbitrary message at SMPP-server and send it to the SMPP-client. To choose a recipient SMPP-client from the list we will use SystemID value (SMPP-client login). The message will be sent to the first client having SystemID matching field "To" value of the message.

Assuming the SMPP-server already created, minimally configured and started and the server parameter will be passed to the method, the sending method will be as follows:

public static async Task SendSms(SmppServer _server)
    //prepare message data
    string sender = "123";
    string recipient = "456";
    string text = "hello!";

    //searching recepient by criteria
    SmppServerClient clientRecepient = _server.ConnectedClients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SystemID == recipient);

    //creating message and sending
    if (clientRecepient != null)
        IList<DeliverSm> textMessage = SMS.ForDeliver().From(sender).To(recipient).Text(text).Create(clientRecepient);
        IEnumerable<DeliverSmResp> response = await clientRecepient.DeliverAsync(textMessage);

To have a message sent in the example above, the SMPP-server must have an SMPP-client with SystemId “456” already connected when method SendSms is called.